Weiss Architecture Studio

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Uncategorized Tips for Effective Board Members Communications

Transparent and clear communication, whether your board members meet in person or remotely board members communications can lead to more engaged and successful decision making. To ensure that your board is provided with the appropriate tools for the process it is crucial to find the right communications solution that is in line with your organization’s objectives and culture. We’ve put together an array of tips for effective communication between board members.

Avoid “boardspeak” Being involved in your organization’s language can quickly transform a conversation into dump of information. Instead, try to keep it brief and concise and always proofread.

Be aware of the communication style of each member. Some are more visual, while others prefer to be informed in writing. Understanding these differences will allow you to communicate more effectively and help you build a strong board culture.

Establish a regularity of communication. Your board meetings may be brief but it’s important to have a steady flow of updates and repeating the same information. Plan check-in calls and emails at the same time each quarter or month so that your board members know what’s going on.

Visual aids can help you understand complicated information or data. Visual representations such as diagrams, graphs, and charts can aid your board members in understanding patterns or trends that would otherwise be difficult to grasp. Through relating these findings to familiar concepts and analogies, you can make the information easier to understand.

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