Weiss Architecture Studio

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Sapphir Fitout

Uncategorized How to Run an Effective Board Meeting

A well-run board meeting is an important element in fostering innovation and growth. To achieve this, it’s important to establish clear goals and structure for the meetings, and also ensure that the most appropriate people are in the room at the appropriate time. The more board members feel that their time and expertise are valued, the more involved they will be in discussions and decisions.

It is important to share the agenda and all other materials in advance, at least 3-4 days before the meeting. This will allow board members to look over the materials and formulate opinions and ideas prior to the meeting. It also allows the chair to begin with a quick recap of the main purpose for the meeting, as well as the main input that is sought. This will help to energize and focus the discussion at the beginning.

Prioritizing the items based on their importance and impact is crucial when planning the agenda. It is also essential to ensure that all crucial issues are covered. This will allow the board members to concentrate on strategic decisions, and not just update. This will make meetings more productive.

By sticking to the time limits set in the agenda, board members will not get sidetracked. The inclusion of noncontroversial topics on the agenda of the consent meeting can make time for a deeper discussion on more strategic topics. Also, allowing the chair the option use the “off-agenda” at the end of a meeting, to make tangents more urgent and require more time is able to aid in avoiding distractions and reducing wasted time.


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