Weiss Architecture Studio

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Sapphir Fitout

Uncategorized What Are the Different Types of Data Security?

Data security is the process of securing the digital information from unauthorised access and theft when it is in storage during transport, or when it’s being employed. It involves various tools, technologies and methods such as access control, encryption, and data masking. It also includes physical security, which helps safeguard the hardware and facilities that store or process sensitive data.

Protects against breaches: In addition to compliance with regulations, preventing data leaks is a good way to maintain customer trust and helps to build a positive image. This is especially true for small companies too as those who could face reputational and financial loss when PII of customers is discovered.

Secures valuable information: Private information, such as the client list of a bank or hospital’s patient record isn’t supposed to be available to prying eyes. Making sure that this information is secure can help businesses keep a competitive edge.

Ensures availability. Data that is not readily available at any time isn’t good for anyone. It’s therefore important to plan a strategy to restore data that has already been backup. There are solutions to help prevent downtime due to ransomware attacks. These include cloud-based disaster recover as a service, and data snapshots.

Removes outdated information: When an organization is no longer required by certain kinds of data, it should remove them from its system altogether and not simply overwrite the space with new data. Data erase is the process of using software to erase any files on any device to ensure that they are not recovered.


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